
A different approach

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ROE functions

The main functions

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to 2nd International congress of Osteopathy 2023

Osteopathy: Building Bridges Towards the Future of Healthcare

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The Spanish Register of Osteopaths (ROE) is a non profit organization that attempts to group together those professionals in Osteopathy of Spain who, according to their academic level, are up to the European Standards established by the European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO) and the Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE)

The EFO is formed by the National Registers and Associations of Osteopaths of all countries the European Countries and is the only Federation for Osteopaths that is represented at the European Institutions for the Academic and Professional Standardization of Osteopathy inthe EU.

About us

Non-profit association that aims to bring together all those professionals of Osteopathy in Spain

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